When is the best time to Hydroseed?

Spring (April-June)
Allows you the entire summer and fall to establish your new lawn

Summer (July-August)
This is still a great time to install your lawn, requiring a little more watering due to the hot summer weather.

Fall (Sept-Oct)
Excellent time to hydroseed your lawn with a less chance of any weeds invading your new seeding, any growth that is not present before winter will quickly emerge in the spring and produce a lush lawn.

Late Fall (Nov-Dec)
This is considered dormant seeding you can still hydroseed but will see little to no growth the hydroseed will remain dormant until the following spring.

How do I take care of my newly Hydroseeded Lawn?

We supply each customer with a detailed care and watering sheet.

How long until I see results?

Depending on the seed variety used on your seeding project will determine the germination rate for the grass, for example common perennial rye grasses and fescue grasses have a germination rate of around 5-10 days where Kentucky Blue grasses can take up to 15-23 days to germinate. Under the proper watering and weather conditions you can expect to see germination in about 5-7 days and have a lush stand of grass in about 4-5 weeks.

Can I walk on my Hydroseeded lawn?

Yes, but you want to be careful not to disturb the hydroseeded layer of mulch. It is best to stay off the lawn during its early growing stages.

Will the Hydroseed stain my siding, concrete or landscape?

No, the green hydroseed is easily washed of with a garden hose or pressure washer.

I have weeds in my new seeding is this common?

Yes, there will be some weeds in any newly seeded lawn, unfortunately the weed seeds were already present in your soil. Preparing the soil for seed caused these weed seeds to surface allowing them to germinate. These weeds are best left alone, most of these weeds are annuals and will die off the next season. It’s more important to establish and thicken the grass as quickly as possible preventing the weeds from invading. Do not apply any weed killer or weed and feed product on your newly seeded lawn, until you have mowed it at least 3 times. If these weeds are still a problem consult your lawn care professional with any further weed problems.

Is there a Guarantee?

We use only the best materials and effective practices available to us in the industry. We guarantee our hydroseed to grow under our specific care and watering instructions. After the area is hydroseeded you will be given detailed care and watering instructions, it is your responsibility to provide the proper maintenance needed. We can not guarantee the end results of the hydroseeded area because the care and weather conditions are beyond our control. Fraaza Enterprises Inc. is not held responsible for any damage due to severe weather conditions, but we will reapply any damaged hydroseeded area at a negotiable price less than the original amount. Contact us for full details.

What other Services do you offer?

We offer a variety of other services in the industry please visit our services page to see if we can assist you on your next project.